Friday, June 12, 2015

Five for Friday

Well today's blog post is a no brainer! Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching with her 5 for Friday Linky.   So I have to post 5 things about my week.....this should be fun!!

I am back on track with blogging as of this week! I have really neglected it for the past year, but I am hoping that I will be able to reconnect with some old blogging pals and learn some new things to implement in my classroom in the Fall.

I found out this week that I will be moving into a portable classroom in the Fall.  I know the portable I will be in will not be as nice as the one pictured above but a girl can dream can't she?!?!?  I am actually excited about this little adventure because my BTF (Best Teacher Friend) will be moving to a portable too!

I am so excited that I found these heavy duty plastic chairs for my classroom reading area today for $145 each. I am going to try and find pillows like the ones in this picture too (hoping to find them at the end of summer sales before school starts).  Correction 6/14: The Chairs were $15 not $145 a piece. Now you all can stop thinking I have LOST...MY...MIND (like my husband did when he read that!)

OITNB is BACK!! I tried to re-watch the first 2 seasons but gave up as soon as I head they were releasing season 3 early! I had plans to binge watch it today with friends but I couldn't help myself and I started watching episode 1 last night. I got half way through it before I fell asleep. We ended up having a blast this afternoon with a little watch party including pizza pie & berry pie (in honor of Crazy Eyes " I threw my pie for you!") and prison selfies.

One of the best things about summer vacation is NO ALARMS. I love waking up whenever I want to in the makes up for all the mornings when my 1st alarm went off at 4:45am. So not looking forward to that again. In the mean time I am staying up late, watching bad TV, reading books and enjoying some much needed, well earned freedom!


  1. One hundred percent agree about the alarm clock! Number one thing I'm looking forward to at the end of next week!

    Teaching Voracious Learners

  2. Welcome back! I am also just getting back into blogging again. I never getting anything done during the school year. Thank goodness for summer when I can get caught up.
